Insert an associtive array ain another assoInsert an associative array in another associative array
array_splice() or array_merge() php functions doesn’t preserve keys. So if we use these functions then new array key will be [0]
Instead we will use array_splice() and use ‘+’ to concatenate the arrays
$array1 = array('a'=>'apple', 'b'=>'banana', '42'=>'pear', 'd'=>'orange');
$array2 = array('10' => 'grapes', 'z' => 'mangoes');
$index = 4; //index of array1 where you would like to insert array2
$finalArray = array_slice($array1, 0, $index, true) +
$array2 +
array_slice($array1, $index, NULL, true);
/* Result will be:
[a] => apple
[b] => banana
[42] => pear
[d] => orange
[10] => grapes
[z] => mangoes