Here is the list of most commonly used docker commands:
docker –version This is used to check the version of the current installed docker.
docker pull image_name This is used to pull images from the docket repository -
docker push image_name This is used to push an image to the docker repository at Documentation for creating a repository can be found at
docker commit container_id username/imagename This creates a new image of an edited container image on the local system
docker run This is used to create a container from an image
docker ps This is used to list the running containers
docker exec -it container_id bash This is used to access the current running container
docker login This is used to login to the docker hub repository -
docker stop container_id This is used to stop a running container
docker kill container_id This kills the container by stopping its execution immediately
docker images This lists all docker images which are stored locally
docker rm This will delete a stopped container
docker rmi image_id This deletes an locally stored image
docker build path_to_docker_file This will build an image from a given docker file